How Google is Using Multiple Elements of a Page to Construct Search Results

Roland discusses how Google is choosing from all items of content on a page to construct search results, and discusses the implications for site owners. The Fall of Title and Meta Description Tags We recently build a website ( for the German arm of one of our clients, the Peach Property Group. Previously we’d also […]

Unravelling the Mysteries of Bounce Rates, Time on Site & Conversions

Bounce rates seem relatively simple to understand, but more subtle questions can lurk beneath the surface. We dig into some of the issues involved Bounce Rates Firstly, what is a bounce? Very simply, someone visits a URL on your site (say from a search engine), does not visit any other URL, and then leaves to […]

Choosing a WordPress Plugin

I regularly contribute to the WordPress Experts group on LinkedIn and a topic that has been cropping up a lot of late is “how do I choose the right WordPress plugin for my site”. So, based primarily on the contributions in this discussion, I thought it would be helpful to put some of Refined Practice’s […]

Multiple Domains – Do You Need Them?

I’ve been having some discussion with fellow ceilidh band members about the usefulness or uselessness of buying multi domain names for the same site … i’d love to know the truth!

What is caching and when should I use it?

Paul attempts to demystify what page caching is (in the context of WordPress plugins like W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache and Quick Cache) and if you should be using it. I was involved in a discussion on the ‘WordPress Experts’ group on LinkedIn recently about which cache plugins people would recommend when using WordPress, […]

Terms & Conditions

by SEQ Legal (1) Introduction These terms and conditions govern your use of our website; by using our website, you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not use our website. Our website uses cookies to help […]

Nominee: The British-Swiss Business Awards

Refined Practice is proud to announce that we are a nominee for the British-Swiss Business Awards 2012 in the “Most Promising New Business/ Entrepreneur” category. Now in their second year, the awards celebrate outstanding achievement in the British-Swiss business community. Given that Refined Practice is based in Zurich and London they seem like the perfect […]