Finanz und Wirtschaft

About the project Refined Practice started working with leading Swiss financial newspaper Finanz und Wirtschaft (part of the Tamedia group) in 2012. We provided assistance on a number of factors involved in the successful launch of their new website which reaches many thousands of readers on a daily basis. We continue to work with the […]

How Google is Using Multiple Elements of a Page to Construct Search Results

Roland discusses how Google is choosing from all items of content on a page to construct search results, and discusses the implications for site owners. The Fall of Title and Meta Description Tags We recently build a website ( for the German arm of one of our clients, the Peach Property Group. Previously we’d also […]

Multiple Domains – Do You Need Them?

I’ve been having some discussion with fellow ceilidh band members about the usefulness or uselessness of buying multi domain names for the same site … i’d love to know the truth!

Rich & Immersive 3D Experiences on Digital Devices. Coming Soon?

Rich 3D on Our Desktops, Mobiles and More If we assume that Moore’s Law keeps on applying, it would seem safe to think that the digital devices that we use – desktop, phones, TV’s, even fridges – will become ever more powerful. And, we can therefore assume that the experiences that we can have on […]

Serif vs Sans-serif

Inspired by the infographic shown on, we thought we’d throw in our two pence worth on this topic. So … Which is better to use and when, serif type or sans-serif type? This debate that has raged in the minds of designers (and procrastinating students) for decades. Is there a winner in this war? […]

Unravelling the Mysteries of Bounce Rates, Time on Site & Conversions

Bounce rates seem relatively simple to understand, but more subtle questions can lurk beneath the surface. We dig into some of the issues involved Bounce Rates Firstly, what is a bounce? Very simply, someone visits a URL on your site (say from a search engine), does not visit any other URL, and then leaves to […]