Brief Trip to ionSearch 2013: Geo-location, E-Commerce and More

Another year, and another trip to ionSearch, a web optimisation conference up in Leeds, UK. This time sadly a brief visit, just the Thursday and only the latter half of it. You can probably still get a sense of what’s been happening via the #ionsearch hash tag. Multi-lingual Sites and Geo-Location I only saw a […]

Tips for Choosing a Typeface

With as many typefaces as stars in the sky, how do you come to a decision of which typeface to use for your project? Here are some useful areas of thought that we would consider when starting to put design ideas together … Context – In what environment will the type be used? Will your chosen typeface […]

Building and Hosting Your Website

Once your information architecture and HTML/CSS templates are complete it is time to start building your new web site. There are a number of steps involved in turning the technical designs into a beautiful, working website. Server, hosting and CMS specification The first decision to be made is what kind of webserver setup you require, […]

Visualising UK Ministerial Lobbying & “Buddying” Over Eight Months

Back in January 2013, the Guardian published a piece about a scheme (entitled “buddying”) that granted access to the heart of government to various multinational companies. It seemed like lobbying on steroids, so I contacted one of the authors of the piece (James Ball) to find out what data the story was based upon…

What is caching and when should I use it?

Paul attempts to demystify what page caching is (in the context of WordPress plugins like W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache and Quick Cache) and if you should be using it. I was involved in a discussion on the ‘WordPress Experts’ group on LinkedIn recently about which cache plugins people would recommend when using WordPress, […]

Serif vs Sans-serif

Inspired by the infographic shown on, we thought we’d throw in our two pence worth on this topic. So … Which is better to use and when, serif type or sans-serif type? This debate that has raged in the minds of designers (and procrastinating students) for decades. Is there a winner in this war? […]

Choosing a WordPress Plugin

I regularly contribute to the WordPress Experts group on LinkedIn and a topic that has been cropping up a lot of late is “how do I choose the right WordPress plugin for my site”. So, based primarily on the contributions in this discussion, I thought it would be helpful to put some of Refined Practice’s […]

Spear phishing down at the watering hole

We’re all aware that we should protect our details online, but this week news has reached the BBC (other news outlets are available!) about a new kind of “hacking” run by “The Comment Group” from China. How does it work? Well, they email you from what looks like a trusted address (say, someone inside your […]