More SVN Code Snippets: Adding All New Files, Deleting All Removed Files

As we have mentioned before, we use Subversion to manage our codebase. That includes our WordPress set up with all its preferred and custom plugins. So, what’s the best way to update a plugin when it’s in your Subversion repository? The approach we take (which you might find handy) is to: Download the new version […]

Is Google’s AdWords Guilty of Racial Profiling? No, not really…

A recent paper by Dr Latanya Sweeney of Harvard seems to suggest that Google’s AdSense ad delivery network is guilty of racial discrimination when displaying ads (although it’s actually talking about AdWords). This has led to a whole bunch of articles appearing over the web today covering the original paper with varying degrees of accuracy and accusatory […]

Terms & Conditions

by SEQ Legal (1) Introduction These terms and conditions govern your use of our website; by using our website, you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not use our website. Our website uses cookies to help […]

Visualising UK Ministerial Lobbying & “Buddying” Over Eight Months

Back in January 2013, the Guardian published a piece about a scheme (entitled “buddying”) that granted access to the heart of government to various multinational companies. It seemed like lobbying on steroids, so I contacted one of the authors of the piece (James Ball) to find out what data the story was based upon…

Brief Trip to ionSearch 2013: Geo-location, E-Commerce and More

Another year, and another trip to ionSearch, a web optimisation conference up in Leeds, UK. This time sadly a brief visit, just the Thursday and only the latter half of it. You can probably still get a sense of what’s been happening via the #ionsearch hash tag. Multi-lingual Sites and Geo-Location I only saw a […]

Serif vs Sans-serif

Inspired by the infographic shown on, we thought we’d throw in our two pence worth on this topic. So … Which is better to use and when, serif type or sans-serif type? This debate that has raged in the minds of designers (and procrastinating students) for decades. Is there a winner in this war? […]

Accessible Scroll-triggered Modal Overlay using jQuery

(or “How to put a visually disruptive overlay in front of your users without annoying them so much they instantly leave your site”) This is the techie companion post to our discussion on visually disruptive overlays AKA “those irritating pop-up things that seem to be everywhere nowadays”. It gives the technique we use on the […]