Reusable D3: Book, Demo, Slides. And A Little on MVC

Finally, the D3 book is out, a book that focuses on how to write reusable D3 using a component and module based approach, and a book that also provides a very detailed thoroughly worked up example (as well as a large set of other examples). Moving To a Model-View-Controller Model One of the key impacts […]

Designing with a grid

You may think that the layout of any particular design is purely left to the designers whim and, although some elements may be nicely aligned, mostly they are placed on the page or screen wherever the designer feels like it. In many cases you’d be right, but this is not how things should be … […]

Experiment and Create To Build a Healthier Online Brand

Following on from our piece in this week’s Marketing Week we wanted to continue the discussion regarding creativity and experimentation, particularly relating to website content and how this can increase your number of visitors. Why Experiment? The use of data analysis and research using tools like Google Analytics and focus groups is an essential part […]

More SVN Code Snippets: Adding All New Files, Deleting All Removed Files

As we have mentioned before, we use Subversion to manage our codebase. That includes our WordPress set up with all its preferred and custom plugins. So, what’s the best way to update a plugin when it’s in your Subversion repository? The approach we take (which you might find handy) is to: Download the new version […]

WordPress Plugin Development

We regularly develop custom WordPress plugins for our clients and also release them publicly when appropriate, such as our Simple Analytics integration plugin.

Terms & Conditions

by SEQ Legal (1) Introduction These terms and conditions govern your use of our website; by using our website, you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not use our website. Our website uses cookies to help […]

Visualising UK Ministerial Lobbying & “Buddying” Over Eight Months

Back in January 2013, the Guardian published a piece about a scheme (entitled “buddying”) that granted access to the heart of government to various multinational companies. It seemed like lobbying on steroids, so I contacted one of the authors of the piece (James Ball) to find out what data the story was based upon…

Clearing the Ground – clean-up of search engine entries

If you already have a website, there will already be a number of entries in Google’s index for pages on your existing domain. Often we find that some of these entries may be for pages that are either not something you want to publicly advertise, should not be accessible as stand-alone pages, are remnants of […]