30 Minutes to Refine Your Website

Simple, free techniques you can use to check on the performance of your website. No technical knowledge required, just a desire to make the best of your online presence.

Never mind Facebook, connect me with your content!

I was quite interested reading the latest rant from David Mitchell as he managed to hit upon a pet hate of mine when it comes to the internet. In his article, Mitchell discusses “Visit England” and their “101 things to do before you go abroad” list. In these times of economic woe Visit England should […]

Online reviews, worth the paper they’re written on?

Today, this article on the BBC grabbed my eye. It’s about how the review site Yelp has admitted that a quarter of the reviews on its site could be fake. I’ve always found this interesting, because, long before the rise of the internet, a local business that I knew was featured on a popular consumer […]

Content Creation

A website is nothing without content, but what exactly should you be saying, and how should you be saying it? For many people, the content on your website will be the first substantive information they see about your business, and a good first impression can make all the difference between gaining a customer and losing […]

Clearing the Ground – clean-up of search engine entries

If you already have a website, there will already be a number of entries in Google’s index for pages on your existing domain. Often we find that some of these entries may be for pages that are either not something you want to publicly advertise, should not be accessible as stand-alone pages, are remnants of […]

Our Work

Online Presence Management Running an SME can be tough and you need to concentrate your skills where they can be most effective – providing the unique products and services that will make your business or charity a success. Let Refined Practice help by managing your online presence for you: website, email marketing, social media, Google […]

Rich & Immersive 3D Experiences on Digital Devices. Coming Soon?

Rich 3D on Our Desktops, Mobiles and More If we assume that Moore’s Law keeps on applying, it would seem safe to think that the digital devices that we use – desktop, phones, TV’s, even fridges – will become ever more powerful. And, we can therefore assume that the experiences that we can have on […]