Online reviews, worth the paper they’re written on?

Today, this article on the BBC grabbed my eye. It’s about how the review site Yelp has admitted that a quarter of the reviews on its site could be fake. I’ve always found this interesting, because, long before the rise of the internet, a local business that I knew was featured on a popular consumer […]

Final Steps to Launch

Having built the new web site structure, it’s time to add the content, test and launch the website! Upload of Content Refined Practice can provide the labour required to upload the finished content into the new Content Management System if required, or you may prefer to do this yourselves. Pre-launch Testing As an extension of […]

Clearing the Ground – clean-up of search engine entries

If you already have a website, there will already be a number of entries in Google’s index for pages on your existing domain. Often we find that some of these entries may be for pages that are either not something you want to publicly advertise, should not be accessible as stand-alone pages, are remnants of […]

Experiment and Create To Build a Healthier Online Brand

Following on from our piece in this week’s Marketing Week we wanted to continue the discussion regarding creativity and experimentation, particularly relating to website content and how this can increase your number of visitors. Why Experiment? The use of data analysis and research using tools like Google Analytics and focus groups is an essential part […]

Rich & Immersive 3D Experiences on Digital Devices. Coming Soon?

Rich 3D on Our Desktops, Mobiles and More If we assume that Moore’s Law keeps on applying, it would seem safe to think that the digital devices that we use – desktop, phones, TV’s, even fridges – will become ever more powerful. And, we can therefore assume that the experiences that we can have on […]

Advertising in Marketing Week

Refined Practice recently has an opportunity to advertise in Marketing Week, and below are photo’s of the advert and article. You can still read the article online which includes Roland’s viewpoint. If you’d like, please feel free to download a PDF of our advert for a closer look. If you would like us to help with any of […]

An expensive (lack of) choice…

This week Microsoft have been fined 561m Euro by the competition commission at the EU for failing to promote web browsers from other companies (such as Mozilla’s Firefox) to their users, thereby helping to ensure that their own Internet Explorer remains the most used browser. Deal with Europe’s Competition Commission: You might read this and […]

Spear phishing down at the watering hole

We’re all aware that we should protect our details online, but this week news has reached the BBC (other news outlets are available!) about a new kind of “hacking” run by “The Comment Group” from China. How does it work? Well, they email you from what looks like a trusted address (say, someone inside your […]