Typo London 2012: Social

Back in October 2012 TYPO London happened. With a host of great speakers on a topic closely related to our line of work it seemedĀ sensibleĀ to acquire some tickets and go along. Thankfully a friend,Ā Peter Gregson,Ā was speaking about the Listening MachineĀ so tickets were found for free. Thanks Peter! Social Design Designers being social was the underlying […]

Advertising in Marketing Week

Refined Practice recently has an opportunity to advertise in Marketing Week, and below are photo’s of the advert and article. You can still read theĀ articleĀ onlineĀ which includes Roland’s viewpoint. If you’d like, please feel free to download a PDF of our advert for a closer look. If you would like us to help with any of […]


About the project We worked with the team at i-intelligence to put together a multilingual website for their start-up open source intelligence company. In common with our work for many smaller businesses, as well as building and hosting a content managed website on their behalf, we also helped i-intelligence with their email and Google Apps […]

More SVN Code Snippets: Adding All New Files, Deleting All Removed Files

As we have mentioned before, we use Subversion to manage our codebase. That includes our WordPress set up with all its preferred and custom plugins. So, what’s the best way to update a plugin when it’s in your Subversion repository? The approach we take (which you might find handy) is to: Download the new version […]

Marketing Consulting

Online marketing ties together the creative and technical aspects of the Internet. Youā€™ll have full access to our expertise in getting your brand displayed across the web to drive more traffic to your site.

Relevance Analysis

Relevance analysis is a data-driven approach to determining what it is that your potential customers want from your business on the web, how content and the web site should be structured, and what terms and phrases should be used to appeal to your target market (this is essentially extremely detailed digital market research). Similar work […]

Accessible Scroll-triggered Modal Overlay using jQuery

(or “How to put a visually disruptive overlay in front of your users without annoying them so much they instantly leave your site”) This is the techie companion post to our discussion on visually disruptive overlays AKA “those irritating pop-up things that seem to be everywhere nowadays”. It gives the technique we use on the […]

WordPress Plugin Development

We regularly develop custom WordPress plugins for our clients and also release them publicly when appropriate, such as our Simple Analytics integration plugin.