
Love it or hate it, social media is here and it is here to stay.  While living away from most of my friends and family Facebook gives me a way of feeling connected with those people who may not be so good at replying to emails or picking up the phone, although I have lost […]

What is a brand and why put it online?

A brand is simply how your business is perceived by your customers. It is your company’s ethos or personality. It is what makes you different and hopefully better than your competition. What makes a good brand? A good brand is thus not simply an attractive logo to put on all your outgoing material, it comes […]

Discussing Advanced Keyword Research at IonSearch, Leeds, April ’12

A few days after Brighton SEO, Roland will also be talking on an expert panel, “Killer Keyword Research” at another conference, ionsearch on April 18th 2012. The panel features people from various parts of the world of natural search consultancy (SEO), so the discussions should be interesting. Roland will particularly be interested in discussing how […]

The User’s Eye View: Why should you care if Google knows what you do?

Have you ever known exactly what you’re looking for, exactly the company you’re after, only to type in numerous different increasingly more desperate phrases in to Google to not find what you want? I have, and it’s very, very annoying.  Nothing makes me less likely to use a company’s services than wasting my time before […]


About the project Refined Practice partners created a visual identity design for a new part of the All Souls Clubhouse who help older people in Central London. Other than the colours needing to fit with existing Clubhouse branding, the brief was pretty open. The light blue is from the original branding of the clubhouse and […]

An expensive (lack of) choice…

This week Microsoft have been fined 561m Euro by the competition commission at the EU for failing to promote web browsers from other companies (such as Mozilla’s Firefox) to their users, thereby helping to ensure that their own Internet Explorer remains the most used browser. Deal with Europe’s Competition Commission: You might read this and […]

Website Design & Development Process

*** Looking for web design and development services for freelancers and SMEs? *** Check out out new brand [RPress] for fast and affordable hosted websites with a unique, custom designed look and feel. We know that not everyone has a massive budget for their online presence, so we always try and provide a web design that […]

Designing with a grid

You may think that the layout of any particular design is purely left to the designers whim and, although some elements may be nicely aligned, mostly they are placed on the page or screen wherever the designer feels like it. In many cases you’d be right, but this is not how things should be … […]

Final Steps to Launch

Having built the new web site structure, it’s time to add the content, test and launch the website! Upload of Content Refined Practice can provide the labour required to upload the finished content into the new Content Management System if required, or you may prefer to do this yourselves. Pre-launch Testing As an extension of […]