Marketing Consulting

Online marketing ties together the creative and technical aspects of the Internet. You’ll have full access to our expertise in getting your brand displayed across the web to drive more traffic to your site.

Discussing Advanced Keyword Research at IonSearch, Leeds, April ’12

A few days after Brighton SEO, Roland will also be talking on an expert panel, “Killer Keyword Research” at another conference, ionsearch on April 18th 2012. The panel features people from various parts of the world of natural search consultancy (SEO), so the discussions should be interesting. Roland will particularly be interested in discussing how […]

Tips for Choosing a Typeface

With as many typefaces as stars in the sky, how do you come to a decision of which typeface to use for your project? Here are some useful areas of thought that we would consider when starting to put design ideas together … Context – In what environment will the type be used? Will your chosen typeface […]

Designing with a grid

You may think that the layout of any particular design is purely left to the designers whim and, although some elements may be nicely aligned, mostly they are placed on the page or screen wherever the designer feels like it. In many cases you’d be right, but this is not how things should be … […]


Love it or hate it, social media is here and it is here to stay.  While living away from most of my friends and family Facebook gives me a way of feeling connected with those people who may not be so good at replying to emails or picking up the phone, although I have lost […]

Strategy, Scoping and Specification

When creating a new website, be it for a totally new project or to relaunch an existing site, the first and most important thing to do is to develop an online strategy. Instead of thinking “what things do I want” you need to think “what things do I want to achieve“. Refined Practice can work with […]

Building and Hosting Your Website

Once your information architecture and HTML/CSS templates are complete it is time to start building your new web site. There are a number of steps involved in turning the technical designs into a beautiful, working website. Server, hosting and CMS specification The first decision to be made is what kind of webserver setup you require, […]

Reusable D3: Book, Demo, Slides. And A Little on MVC

Finally, the D3 book is out, a book that focuses on how to write reusable D3 using a component and module based approach, and a book that also provides a very detailed thoroughly worked up example (as well as a large set of other examples). Moving To a Model-View-Controller Model One of the key impacts […]

SearchBots, Visualisation and More: Speaking at Brighton SEO April ’12

We’re delighted to announce that Roland Dunn will be speaking at Brighton SEO (in Brighton, UK – hence the name), giving a short talk into research into searchbots, what they do, and why it is important. For example, it is quite possible that Googlebot may not index all of your content. The talk will look […]