
Love it or hate it, social media is here and it is here to stay.  While living away from most of my friends and family Facebook gives me a way of feeling connected with those people who may not be so good at replying to emails or picking up the phone, although I have lost […]

SearchBots, Visualisation and More: Speaking at Brighton SEO April ’12

We’re delighted to announce that Roland Dunn will be speaking at Brighton SEO (in Brighton, UK – hence the name), giving a short talk into research into searchbots, what they do, and why it is important. For example, it is quite possible that Googlebot may not index all of your content. The talk will look […]

Information Architecture and User Experience Design

The information architecture (IA) and user experience (UX) designs are a vital part of the web site design process. The IA defines how your new web site is going to be structured, and the UX designs show how each page should be laid out. Information architecture Using the results of the relevance analysis as well […]

Visualising UK Ministerial Lobbying & “Buddying” Over Eight Months

Back in January 2013, the Guardian published a piece about a scheme (entitled “buddying”) that granted access to the heart of government to various multinational companies. It seemed like lobbying on steroids, so I contacted one of the authors of the piece (James Ball) to find out what data the story was based upon…

CCL Online

About the project Refined Practice’s consultants have been working with CCL Online since 2009. Work has included a rigorous “Understand Relevance, Enhance Content” project, this means that we analysed hundreds of thousands of search queries relating to both CCL and their top competitors and used the results to focus how the website was written and […]

Final Steps to Launch

Having built the new web site structure, it’s time to add the content, test and launch the website! Upload of Content Refined Practice can provide the labour required to upload the finished content into the new Content Management System if required, or you may prefer to do this yourselves. Pre-launch Testing As an extension of […]

ChipsAway Cambridge

About the project We worked with ChipsAway Cambridge to put together a search engine marketing campaign. Working with the team at ChipsAway, we identified the key products and services to advertise that would give the best possible return on investment. We also put in place extensive tracking on the campaign to ensure that we could […]

About Us

How We Work We focus on getting measurable improvements to your online presence up and running right from the get-go. To make that happen we work quickly to gain a good understanding of your goals, resources, skills, etc. and then straightaway move on to implementing a series of small projects, each of which can make a […]

Our Work

Online Presence Management Running an SME can be tough and you need to concentrate your skills where they can be most effective – providing the unique products and services that will make your business or charity a success. Let Refined Practice help by managing your online presence for you: website, email marketing, social media, Google […]