Website Graphic Design

The graphic design for your web site will stem from your brand identity (which may or may not need refining itself). Working with any brand guidelines that you have, we’ll take your brand’s visual cues and adapt them for the web. This process puts flesh onto the bones of the wireframes created as part of […]

Experiment and Create To Build a Healthier Online Brand

Following on from our piece in this week’s Marketing Week we wanted to continue the discussion regarding creativity and experimentation, particularly relating to website content and how this can increase your number of visitors. Why Experiment? The use of data analysis and research using tools like Google Analytics and focus groups is an essential part […]

ChipsAway Cambridge

About the project We worked with ChipsAway Cambridge to put together a search engine marketing campaign. Working with the team at ChipsAway, we identified the key products and services to advertise that would give the best possible return on investment. We also put in place extensive tracking on the campaign to ensure that we could […]

SearchBots, Visualisation and More: Speaking at Brighton SEO April ’12

We’re delighted to announce that Roland Dunn will be speaking at Brighton SEO (in Brighton, UK – hence the name), giving a short talk into research into searchbots, what they do, and why it is important. For example, it is quite possible that Googlebot may not index all of your content. The talk will look […]

Information Architecture and User Experience Design

The information architecture (IA) and user experience (UX) designs are a vital part of the web site design process. The IA defines how your new web site is going to be structured, and the UX designs show how each page should be laid out. Information architecture Using the results of the relevance analysis as well […]

Strategy, Scoping and Specification

When creating a new website, be it for a totally new project or to relaunch an existing site, the first and most important thing to do is to develop an online strategy. Instead of thinking “what things do I want” you need to think “what things do I want to achieve“. Refined Practice can work with […]

Ongoing Maintenance and Support

No matter how good the planning, a number of issues will probably require a little attention in the first few weeks after launch. Refined Practice can provide ad-hoc support for those vital first few weeks to ensure all is going well with usability, URL redirection, search engine spidering, performance etc. Developing a new website and […]

Clients & Testimonials

We aim to achieve long-term results, working with clients to gradually change their online presence so that it creates the best possible impact. We can start from nothing or help steer an existing brand in the right direction depending on your company’s current situation.

Reusable D3: Book, Demo, Slides. And A Little on MVC

Finally, the D3 book is out, a book that focuses on how to write reusable D3 using a component and module based approach, and a book that also provides a very detailed thoroughly worked up example (as well as a large set of other examples). Moving To a Model-View-Controller Model One of the key impacts […]

CCL Online

About the project Refined Practice’s consultants have been working with CCL Online since 2009. Work has included a rigorous “Understand Relevance, Enhance Content” project, this means that we analysed hundreds of thousands of search queries relating to both CCL and their top competitors and used the results to focus how the website was written and […]